# Upcoming Content

W101Archives Team
Published 2023-01-01


Upcoming Content

# Summary

Coming soon.

# Content Portal

Welcome to the content portal! The new and improved way to access information about upcoming content. This portal will be rotated when new content comes out. You will find older content at the bottom of this section whilst newer content will be found at the top.

This page does not contain every upcoming thing, for one or several of the reasons below. If it does not match any of the below, a page is likely being created.

  • The item was released too quickly to be documented.
  • Item does not have a category to be documented in.
  • Item does not warrant having its own page - check Misc.

Anything that does not have its own page can be found in Misc until release.

# Manual index

Here is a manual index should you require it. The date the page was last updated is indicated in bold. The pages which were updated first will be found at the top

  1. Summer 2024 Scroll of Fortune | Wednesday, May 1st 2024
  2. Beastmoon Pets (December 2023 - April 2024) | Tuesday, April 2nd 2024
  3. Fanciful Fairy Kei Hoard Pack | Monday, March 25th 2024
  4. Beastmoon Pets - Spring 2024 | Monday, March 25th 2024
  5. Floating Lands Resort Bundle | Monday, March 11th 2024
  6. Aesthetic Kicks | Monday, January 29th 2024
  7. Wizard of the Isle Cosmetic | Monday, January 29th 2024
  8. Professor Jumper & Sweater Cosmetics | Thursday, November 9th 2023
  9. Dyvim Plushie | Thursday, October 12th, 2023
  10. Banana Spider | Friday, April 28th 2023
  11. Alienware/Hulu Gear | Monday, March 13th 2023
  12. Retro/Neo Promotional | Wed, December 7th 2022
  13. Gameforge transition items | Tue, May 17th 2022
  14. Streamer Housing Items | Wed, Jan 19th 2022
  15. Water.org/KingsIsle | Thu, September 30th 2021
  16. Professor Portraits | Mon, April 12th 2021