# Professor Jumper & Shirt Cosmetics '23

W101Archives Team
Published 2023-11-28

# Introduction

This page encompasses both the 'Professor Jumper' & 'Sweater' cosmetics. They were added to the files at different times. This information is found below.

  1. The Professor Sweater Cosmetics were added to the files on November 2nd 2023 with V_r745555.WizardDev

  2. The Professor Shirt Cosmetics were added to the files on November 9th 2023 with V_r746214.WizardDev

Apart from that, not sure what these are for. The shirts appear to be some sort of team shirt, so that could be a hint? Eh, dunno.

"Professor Shirts"
"Professor Shirts"
"Professor Sweaters"
"Professor Sweaters"

# Sources / Timeline

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