# A letter to fans of Wizard101 Archives - April 2nd 2024

W101Archives Team
Published 2024-04-01

# State of Wizard101 Archives

First, let's make one thing clear from the get-go - we are not going anywhere. I'm just really unhappy with the state of this resource. Some pages are cluttered, disorganized, messy, etc. For too long have I been building on top of this wonky foundation.

It's miserable to develop, and it's probably also equally miserable for you to browse.

# What we're doing about it

We're going to be starting from the ground up. Almost every page will be redeveloped with new features and standards.

One thing I'd like to make clear: There is NO ETA for this revamp. It's done when it's done. I have a full-time job, family commitments, etc. You can track our progress here: https://github.com/w101archives/w101archives-new

# What happens until then?

  • No new Upcoming Content pages will be made. We will still update the corresponding Hubs with thumbnails. The plan is to keep maintaining the lists, so that when the time comes, we can create corresponding pages.

  • Notable Events will no longer be updated until the revamp, but will remain available for access until then.

  • Update History & Datamining pages will continue to be updated.

  • All Upcoming Content thumbnails created until then will redirect here.

# Closing Remarks

Thank you for your support. We will be back. I just simply cannot keep building on-top of this. I'm going to rebuild it all from the ground up, and whenever that's done, you can look forward to a better experience browsing, and I can look forward to a better experience developing, win-win.

Last update: April 1st, 2024