# Raids Null Dragons (Spring 2022)

W101Archives Team
Published 2022-08-16

These "Null Dragon" pets were added on August 16th 2022, with the patch that brought Test Realm to Live (V_r722136.Wizard_1_490). These were released on the same day, being available from Raids along with the [Nullity & Void gear](/info/Archived Content/2022/gear/Nullity%20and%20Void%20Gear%20(Summer%202022)) added that day.

One thing to note is the Item Cards! In particular, Frost Giant Jarl, Alhazred's Swarm & Fire Starter are completely new!

You might recognize Alhazred's Swarm from the Professor's Hoard, before it was removed.
You might recognize Alhazred's Swarm from the Professor's Hoard, before it was removed.

# Sources / Timeline

Tuesday, August 16th 2022 / V_r722136.Wizard_1_490: These pets are added AND released on the same day with test going live. Therefore, this page is considered archived.

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