# 🔔 W101Archives Hub

w101archives team
Published 2022-12-18

# W101Archives Hub

# Twitter feed

# 12/06/2023 (06/12/2023) - v3.05 (P1):

# W101Archives v3.05-P1


  • Organised the styling files much better. New styling for some new features.
  • Broken fonts kind of fixed, sorry it took a while.

Notable Events

  • Now up to date with latest events since downtime (March, Apr, May, Jun entries).
  • Font size scale issue finally fixed, text can now be scaled (Still WIP.)
  • Additional information on hover for some entries.
  • Archive links are now being added to entries, especially those which are likely to die.
  • Additional styling for test realm events & important details.
  • KI Live Notes are actually pleasant to read now.
  • A lot of minor fixes & improvements.

Upcoming Content

  • New feature to cycle through videos on a page, useful for multiple images + videos. ^ If this feature is on a page, it will be indicated before the video!


  • Banana Spider Pets
  • KI x Alienware and Hulu
  • Novus World Pack
  • Miscellaneous Summer 2023


  • Spring 2023 SOF
  • Night Mire Hoard & Gauntlet
  • Rate My Stitch Crafting
  • CSC Mount
  • Summer 2023 SOF
  • Pride 2023
  • Skyfarer's Hoard Pack
  • Lightkeeper's Bundle
  • Tableware Housing Items
  • Streamer Housing Items

Update History:

  • Now up to date with the latest patch: V_r736675.Wizard_1_510
  • Additional indicators and hover content for major updates (test realm).

# 01/01/2023 (01/01/23) - v3.0:

Time: 20:23 GMT

Basically in the works for most of November & December, it's finally here! This update brings the resource over to Retype, giving us more flexibility and ownership in how pages look! We hope you like it, had to create each page from scratch.

Fair warning that this is a very early port. As such, pages are entirely missing (like Patch Notes) or lacking content. As such, the old W101Archives will remain open until the resource is fuly ported. It will no longer be updated, however.

This resource is available on GitHub, and contribution will come very soon.

Website-wide: New tags and categories to help navigate this resource! Standard font-size.

W101Archives Hub:

  • Removed the news above pending plans of how it'll be integrated to this page.
  • Early port of this page.


  • Replaced the Hub links with a tetris layout because why not
  • Improved layout of Help/Contribution & Credits section.

Archived Content:

Note: Individual plushie housing items & pages logging Crown Shop Bundles have been removed and sunset until further notice due to difficulty obtaining reliable release dates.

All new and old pages have been tagged/categorized, i.e: "Packs", "2022", "q3" and so on.

All new pages will feature an improved layout for Sources / Timeline.

  • 2021 has been removed due to release constraints. Watch the space above this one.
  • Moved Catmandu Sanctuary Bundle & Arcane Express Bundle here following release.
  • Created Winter 2022 Scroll Of Fortune page.
  • Created Nullity and Void Gear (Fall 2022)
  • Moved "Polygonal Wolf Mounts" page following release.
  • Created Yuletide Elf Pack Page..
  • Updated and moved the Novus page following release to Live Realm.

Upcoming Content:

All new and old pages have been tagged/categorized, i.e: "Packs", "2022", "q3" and so on.

Note: The "Saga Packs" page has been removed, as it'll be up forever at this rate while they release Arc 2 and 3 Spellements.

  • Created "Novus Explorer's Pack" page.
  • Updated the Manual Index

Notable Events

Note: Unfortunately, any logs prior to October 2022 have been removed due to the associated workload of fixing the formatting. It will be back soon!

The Year Specific Tags Infobox has also been removed due to both the associated workload of fixing the formatting & improving the layout. It'll be back soon.

  • Added all events since November 4th, 2022.
  • New "Major Events" indicator, highlighting important events in the context menu.*
  • Improved UI, adding styling to various new events!
  • Experimental format for multi-event and multi-image log.

*This might be annoying to some, so an option to disable this is coming in the future.

Update History

  • All revisions through test realm and up to the latest patch V_r730556.WizardDev are added.
  • Improved table layout
  • Color code experiment to indicate significiant patches.


  • Added new revision V_r730556.WizardDev to this page.
  • Fixed formatting in this page in preparation for an overhaul.

Any page not mentioned here has not made the initial v3.0 Patch, including Scrapped/Unused, Patch Notes, KI Live Stats, etc. Check back soon.

# Updates

# 31/10/2022 (10/31) - v2.99.56-AP3

Time: 10:30hrs GMT

  • Added October 2022's KI Live and teasers to **"Notable Events" **+ Data to stats page.
  • Added [Teaser 14] and [Teaser 15] (Shown on KI Live) to "Novus & Fall 2022 TR" Page.
  • Fixed formatting issues from 2.99.56-AP2


# 26/10/2022 (10/26)- v2.99.56-AP2

# 24/10/2022 (10/24) - v2.99.56-AP1

Time: 23:45hrs GMT+1

Huh? What on earth is "AP1" - Well, glad you asked! AP stands for Additional Patch, and enables us to post more frequent smaller updates, like this one which I managed to release in the nick of time! Anyway, here are the notes.

Notable Events:

  • Now up to date with events since 10/17 + new tags. September's notes are added.
  • Some tags are missing until an opportunity to rework the tags infobox.

KI Live - Statistics Comp:

  • Now roughly up to date with previous data. Enjoy!

Upcoming Content:

  • Updated Novus page with teasers + new teaser summary section; category & count.
  • Cleared "Creepy Fairgrounds" from Miscellaneous after release.

Archived Content:

  • Basically the bulk of today's update - cleared all placeholder content!
  • Fall SOF 2022, Null Dragon, Nullity & Void Gear, 14th Birthday Items & much more!

Hope you find this useful to refer to, as late as it is. That's all the work done. Woo!

# 17/10/2022 (10/17) - v2.99.56

Time: 20:00hrs GMT+1

It's here! We're almost done. Unfortunately, real life circumstances have delayed this update, but I'm so happy to finally be able to publish these changes! Please do read on, quite exciting.

W101Archives Hub:

  • Updated the news above & removed the placeholder!

Update History & Patch Notes:

  • Reverted the layout of this page to Pre-2.995, much better that way.
  • Added (V_r725847.Wizard_1_490) to these pages (Oct 11th Update).

Notable Events:

  • Now accurate with events up to Mon, Oct 17th... With the exception of KI Live. Soon.
  • Added June, July, August & September text and image summaries! (Woo!)
  • Added new tags (ties in with new events) + experimenting with formatting.

Upcoming Content:

  • The "Upcoming Content" summary is back (Woo!) + Some icons updated.
  • Novus page is now completed, containing teasers, story & everything else we know.
  • Catmandu Sanctuary Bundle page is here + Miscellaneous page re-added.
  • Updated "Polygonal Wolf Mounts" page to remove Placeholder content.
  • Manual index has been filled in & entries re-arranged.
  • Archived "Cerberus Master Pack" & edited Astral Elegant page with Sun Elegant.
  • Much more, this is getting too long.

Archived Content:

  • Updated manual directory & moved some pages that were still in Upcoming.
  • Added Archived template to pages with content that has been released.

More to come, obviously the KI Live Notes, Archived Content placeholders, Footnotes in the text summaries & new tags. Hopefully updates can be more frequent - more on that soon.

# 30/09/2022 (09/30) - v2.99.5

Time: 21:22hrs GMT+1

Well then, that was a long silence, sorry about that. There was a lot of work to do post-test realm.. Though, the wait is sort of over There will be a follow-up update on the weekend to correct placeholders.

Update History:

  • Now accurate with updates up until September 22nd (V_r724231.Wizard_1_490)!
  • Changed some of the table guide to be more visually appealing. New banner and the page is also expanded.

Patch Notes:

  • Now accurate up to the latest update on September 22nd.

Notable Events:

  • The backlog was so huge that this is now our largest update off of this page alone.
  • Now up to date with events since July 18th - with the exception of KI Live yesterday.
  • There has been more efforts to help users filter out events. Important events now include the year, the date may be highlighted in red or it may have its own section!
  • Added new tags to aid the goal above -** [MajorBugs], [Offline], [PartOffline], [NewWorld] **and much more.
  • Image and text summaries coming this weekend.

Upcoming Content:

  • Wouldn't worry about this page until the follow-up update. Only three new pages are complete - Cerberus Master Pack, CS Bundles (09/10) 2022 & Arcane Engineer. More comprehensive list to follow.
  • Everything else is still a placeholder for now.
  • Summary has been removed but will return in a follow-up update.

Archived Content:

  • Same as above, released content has been moved here but proper formatting has not been applied for most pages.
  • Many of the other newly released items (like the Nullity Gear) don't have pages yet. Check back soon!


  • Added the latest revision to this page (V_r724231.Wizard_1_490).

# 18/07/2022 (07/18) - v2.99.4

**Time: 10:30hrs GMT+1 **

So... It's been quite a while. This is packed with the usual maintenance stuff, but as always we try to work on other things on the side, and we're always working on more major updates in other branches. Well then, please enjoy!

Summer 2022 Test Realm:

  • Now up to date with the teasers since this resource was last updated! (July 5th)

Notable Events:

  • Now up to date with events since July 5th, mostly the teasers we got. New tags.
  • New [Downtime] tag for easy access to downtime information. Currently not applied retrospectively, but that will change in the future.
  • Year Overview (2019-2021) has received various corrections and improvements. Most notably, we've added some missing data, including links to 2021's Overview.
  • Starting early work on filling in 2018's Year Overview infobox.

Upcoming Content:

  • Moved "Picnic Housing Items" to Archived Content after release of Picnic Bundles.
  • Updated "CS Bundles (06/07) 2022" with information on released bundles.
  • As a result, modified the manual index + cleaned out Miscellaneous.

# 05/07/2022 (07/05) - v2.99.31

**Time: 20:30hrs GMT+1 **

A very small update maintaining a few pages.

Upcoming Content:

Notable Events:

  • Added one new event (July 5th).

# 04/07/2022 (07/04) - v2.99.3

Time: 16:20hrs GMT+1

Another update is here! Again, this one isn't much, but as you can imagine, with test realm on the horizon, there really isn't time for much. Though, things are cooking behind the scenes.

Summer 2022 Test Realm:

  • Added the Guilds House teaser from June 2022's KI Live to this page.

Update History & Patch Notes

Notable Events

  • Added events since June 25th to this page (Store refresh, KI Live, etc).

**Upcoming Content: **

  • Moved "Pride 2022 Mounts" to Archived Content following the release of Prismaticat.
  • Moved "Shadow elegant stitch - Chaos Wizard" to Archived Content following the addition of the shoes to the July 2022 Loyalty Store, completing the set.
  • Modified "Housing | Picnic Housing Items" with information about the CS Bundles.
  • Updated information in the manual index.

**Datamining: **

  • Added **V_r719994.Wizard_1_480 **to this page.

# 26/06/2022 (06/26) - v2.99.21

Time: 19:40hrs GMT+1

A quick follow-up update! Nothing too major, please read below.

**Notable Events: **

  • Added a few missing events from June 2022 + Guilds Roundtable & BM Teaser.

Summer 2022 Test Realm:

  • Added the Storm Ninja Pig & Guilds Roundtable info to this page.
  • Reorganized this page significantly so that the information is easy to absorb.

# 23/06/2022 (06/23) - v2.99.2

Time: 16:45hrs GMT+1

Days of work later, i'm happy to be able to present this update! You'll find this one quite significant! As mentioned on Twitter, this update was very focused on filling in missing data. So, please enjoy!

Created new "Summer 2022 Test Realm" page to organise data. Updated news above.

Update History:

  • Reverted tables back to one line for aesthetic reasons.
  • Went back and replaced many dead patch note links with archived versions.
  • Modified 2021 Q3 table to new format, data coming soon.

Notable Events:

  • Now up to date with events since June 6th. Lots of new tags too!
  • Finished April 2022's text summary.
  • Surprise! Finished May 2022's image and text summary! We're up to date!
  • Populated the year overview for 2020 & 2019 and fixed formatting!
  • Started very early work on filling in December 2020.

Upcoming Content:

  • Added a manual index to see the last time a page updated without checking.
  • Moved $30 Amazon Cards & Recreational Swimwear page to Archived.
  • Modified "CS Bundles (06/07) 2022" following release of some CS Bundles.
  • Added "return to main page" to pages that were missing it.

# 06/06/2022 (06/06) - v2.99.1

# Additional updates

Time: 20:35hrs GMT+1

  • Modified "Miscellaneous | CS Bundles (06/07) 2022" to indicate release of Amphibian Pets Bundle.

** Time: 15:45hrs GMT+1**

Updates! As usual, maintenance to keep pages up to date. Usually, we add new events or modify Upcoming Content, but this time we wanted to put some efforts towards getting pages closer to completion as well - please read below!

W101Archives Hub:

  • Replaced the news above with something more recent!

Update History:

  • Added Sources information to 2021 Q4 updates & fixed formatting.

Notable Events:

  • Added events since May 30th to this page & fixed the year info-box.
  • New tag [LoyaltyStoreRefresh]** **to allow easy access to refresh info going forward.
  • Went back and added some older events in 2021!

Upcoming Content / Archived Content:

  • Created the following pages:
  • Miscellaneous | CS Bundles (06/07) 2022 (Following May 25th update)
  • Packs | Saga Spellemental Packs (127/128/129)
  • Miscellaneous | Recreational Swimwear
  • Modified the following pages following new information:
  • Mounts | Pride 2022 Mounts
  • Packs | Spiral Villains Hoard Pack (49/130)
  • Miscellaneous | Shadow elegant stitch - "Chaos Wizard"
  • Moved these pages to Archived Content following release:
  • Events | Summer 2022 Scroll of Fortune
  • Bundles | Peppergrass Glen Bundle
  • Pets | Mini Shark Pets / Hatching
  • Housing | Skatepark Castle Blocks
  • Cleaned "Miscellaneous | Uncategorized (2022)" so that it looks better + moved some content out into upcoming.

# 30/05/2022 (05/30) - v2.99

Time: 21:00hrs GMT+1

Another update arrives! This one is your expected maintenance of existing pages, but that's not to say there's nothing! Many pages added last update have been reworked or modified to look more "visually appealing", and anything left incomplete should now be completed!

Update History & Patch Notes / Datamining:

  • Added V_r718174.Wizard_1_480 to these pages (May 25). Fixed a few dead links.

Notable Events:

  • Added events since May 16th, including KI Live Lite & the latest update!
  • New tags, and further efforts to update the tags info-box.
  • Surprise! March 2022's summary & April 2022's image summary is here.

Upcoming Content:

  • The summary section now has a shiny new graphic!
  • Updated "Summer 2022 Scroll of Fortune" page with the actual scroll, new information + general efforts to tidy the page.
  • Updated "Spiral Villains Hoard Pack" page with information about stats/aesthetics + general efforts to tidy the page and add more info.
  • Created page for the plushies, separate from the interactive items page.
  • Created new page for "Pride 2022 Mounts"

Archived Content:

  • Fixed incorrect values in Unforgiven Dead Pack page title.

# 18/05/2022 (05/18) - v2.98

Time: 20:00hrs GMT+1

It's finally here! After 10 days of work and countless touhou remixes, the largest update to date has arrived. We're now fully up to date following the Spring 2022 TR. More to come to improve our new pages.

**Site-wide: We're now starting to experiment with the Page Layout, so you may visit pages which are missing the table of contents, vertical navigation menu, or both!

W101Archives Hub**

  • Updated the news above, surely you must have seen it on your way here.

Update History & Patch Notes

  • Added **V_r717146.Wizard_1_480_01_Live **to these pages, and updated some information that was missing from past updated.

** Notable Events**

  • Now accurate with events up to today! This includes the release of Wizard101 EU. This means that new tags were added (of course).
  • March 2022's summary is here, however the text summary will be arriving later.
  • Experiments! We're starting to use the new Drawing feature to improve our pages, creating things which are more "aesthetically pleasing". Here, check out the Membership Loyalty page - an improvement, right?

Upcoming Content

  • It was difficult to tackle this beast but it's done, now has all the snazzy stuff we got with test realm!
  • Created these new pages to be consistent with new content:

-Bundles | Peppergrass Glen Bundle -Events | Gameforge Transition (Mount+Pet) US -Events | Summer 2022 Scroll of Fortune -Housing | Zafaria Art Book -Housing | Grizzleheim Art Book -Housing | Picnic Housing Items -Housing | Interactive Summer Items + Plushies -Packs | Spiral Villains Hoard Pack -Pets | Mini Shark Pets / Hatching

  • Modified these existing pages to be consistent with new content/info:

-Cards | $30 Amazon Cards -Housing | Skatepark Castle Blocks / Bundle -Miscellaneous | Uncategorized (2022) / New content from test realm. -Miscellaneous | Shadow elegant stitch - "Chaos Wizard"

  • Summary has been removed but will be returning in a future update.

Archived Content:

  • Created a fair few pages to maintain archive accuracy even if they are released. Hopefully you find these pages useful to reference/informative.

-Gauntlets | Unforgiven Dead Gauntlet -Housing | Open Space House -Packs | Unforgiven Dead Pack (47/117) -Packs | Dragonspyre, Khrysalis and Lemuria World Packs (118/125/126)

  • Moved these pages to archived following their release -Housing | Celestia Art Book


  • Added **V_r717146.Wizard_1_480_01_Live (May 11th) **to this page.

# 06/05/2022 (05/06) - v2.94.5

Time: 14:30hrs GMT+1

Some additional work on polishing Notable Events following the last update + updating pages after a live realm update. **(V_r716917.Wizard_1_480) **- More info below & more to come.

Notable Events:

  • Rewritten April's KI Live Summary to be more of a summary and less of an essay. Formatting is also fixed & timestamps incorporated so it should be more pleasant.
  • Created "Community" section in the tags infobox to keep things orderly.
  • Some tidy work in newer entries for consistency and readability. New tags.
  • Now up to date with recent events, including the aforementioned live update.

Update History & Patch Notes

  • Added May 4th's update to these pages (V_r716917.Wizard_1_480) - Enjoy!

# 02/05/2022 (05/02) - v2.94

Time: 20:22 GMT+1

A ton of upkeep work following the spring test realm! Things unfortunately did go quiet as the work piled on during test realm. However, after a week of work updating this, I feel that it's in a decent state to at least push something.

This will be the first update of many this week to bring things up to speed post-test, so if there's anything messy right now, please have patience with us. Following that, work can start on long term plans and ideas. Thanks for supporting this resource.

W101Archives Hub:

  • Updated the news above with the release of the spring test realm.

Notable Events & KI Live Stats Comp:

  • Now accurate with events up to today, covering test realm, and all events in the long time since April 10th. Fair few new tags including "[SpringTest2022]".
  • Made an effort to tidy the tags Infobox, hopefully that looks better + experimenting with a new format for days with multiple events.
  • Added data from April 2022's KI Live to stats comp page.

Update History:

  • Added updates from the progression of test realm to this page! Seven updates total!

Patch Notes:

  • Added more detailed information covering each test realm update! Please enjoy!

Upcoming Content + Archived:

  • Moved a few pages to Archived following release with the spring update. More work is required before proper archival.
  • Datamining page is now consistent with current revision.

# 10/04/2022 (04/10) - v2.91.12

Time: 21:32:12hrs GMT+1

A very small update to bring this resource up to date, quite honestly the bare minimum to avoid this resource falling into disrepair, and the best I could do with the time constraints. As test nears, time is directed to that instead.

I hope you can enjoy all the new information, as the bare minimum still takes time.

W101Archives Hub:

  • News above has been updated with the all important Cantrips teaser!

Notable Events & KI Live Stats Comp:

  • Now consistent with events up to today, including various teasers we got and KI Live. Around 5 new year specific tags. New data from March's show to stats page.

** Upcoming Content:**

  • Moved "KI Live Pet Snacks" to Archived following the release of the KI Live Snack Pack on March 2022's show.
  • Moved "April Fools 2022" to Archived following the release of the Barrel of Fun.
  • Modified "$30 Amazon Cards" to reflect recent events. More work on the way.

# 30/03/2022 (03/30) - v2.91

Time: 21:32hrs GMT+1

A massive update that took a while, giving some much needed attention to older pages. You will notice many changes and I hope you enjoy the new stuff as much as I enjoyed making it. Right then, notes.


  • Finally replaced the dreadful table with better & cooler grid-like portals to content.
  • Rewritten the unclear text preceding the navigation portal.

W101Archives Hub:

  • Replaced the news above with the all important commercial casting animation.
  • I was made aware that the Twitter feed** **is broken, I've tried what I can but it's out of my hands. Works on some browsers.

Update History:

  • So excited to have finally updated this page. 2019 Q4 update logs are now complete! An indicator was also added for silent updates.
  • In 2022 Q1 history, we've merged "Change" and "Build" together to create the new "Source" row as the page is very much "trust me bro" and we'd like to provide sources when we can. We will bring this formatting to older logs in the future.
  • Rewritten the table information guide to be easier to read and more informative.
  • Finally, notable updates is here, an overview of the most important updates in a given quarter with one graphic. This is currently being tested with 2022 Q2.

Notable Events:

  • More progress on the improvement project, this time with 2021 Q2. Still more to go but you can see some early work (images+text) right now.
  • Now up to date with latest events since March 20th. Currently experimenting with an image format for more eventful days (see Mar 17th).
  • New tags for recent events (teasers, etc), check the year-specific infobox.

Upcoming Content + Archived:

  • Updated all sub-pages to include a "return to main page" link and works to ensure consistent formatting. Will work on adding some missing sources.
  • Moved **"CS Bundles (02/03) 2022" **to Archived following the release of the "Pony Express Bundle" today.

Thank you for your support, this will be updated throughout Test Realm but it is unlikely Upcoming Content will see changes until live.

As for Patch Notes, it will see improvements in the near future.

# 20/03/2022 (03/20) - v2.73

Time: 21:14hrs GMT

Woah, nothing new again! As usual, maintenance to this resource to keep information up to date. However, very persistent work is occuring in another branch in preparation for v3.0, Soon... ish. We also introduced "mini updates" for a more frequent update schedule.

**Update History & Patch Notes: **

  • Added V_r713909.Wizard_1_470 (Thu, March 17th) to these pages

Notable Events:

  • Added events & tags for the very busy March 17th (including the update above).
  • Added events that were missed out.

# 16/03/2022 (03/16) - v2.68.01

Time: 21:09:01hrs GMT

**A very small update keeping Notable Events & Upcoming Content current. **

  • CS Bundles (02/03) 2022 updated following the release of a bundle.

More major updates are on the way soon.

# 14/03/2022 (03/14) - v2.68

Time: 21:09hrs GMT

Maintenance and upkeep, with a few other things as usual. Work is ongoing for Notable Events though a few other pages did get some attention this update. Read below for more info!

Update History & Patch Notes:

  • Added V_r713621.Wizard_1_470 (Thu, March 10th) to these pages.
  • Changed the layout of Update History slightly.

Notable Events:

  • Now up to date with latest events since March 1st, new year-specific tags as a result.
  • Improvement project: February 2021 text was modified & new tags were added.
  • Created the February 2022 text and image summary. Enjoy!
  • Sources were added to the year-specific tags tab. Early works organizing the tags.

Upcoming Content:

  • Created "Housing | Streamer Housing Items 2022" page. Sorry for the delay!
  • Moved "Aquila Hoard Pack" to Archived Content.
  • Added additional information about the operation of the page in the Portal.
  • Added new icons from the March 10th update to Uncategorized

# 02/03/2022 (03/02) - v2.53

Time: 20:54hrs GMT

As usual, maintenance to keep this resource updated, though there are a few other things with this one, including continued efforts on Notable Events and some scaffolding for further updates. Please read below!

Update History:

  • Updated example image in “Update History” & fixed some inconsistent formatting
  • Started work on "Notable Updates", optional/expandable info.

Notable Events:

  • Added new tags from 2021 Q1 to Tags infobox + new [SoF] tag.
  • Added KI Live and other events since February 16th.
  • Added images to events in 2021 Q1. Tags and text next update.

KI Live - Statistics Comp:

  • Added data from last KI Live Show (February 2022)

Upcoming Content:

  • New summary image is finally here, old picture was outdated.
  • Archived “Spring 2022 SOF” & “Awards Housing Items” following release.
  • Added female astral elegant aesthetics to "(MK) Astral Elegant Stitch" page.
  • Updated "CS Bundles (02/03) 2022" following release of two CS bundles.

# 19/02/2022 (02/19) - v2.43

Time: 20:44hrs GMT

A rather large update to bring things up to speed following a Wizard101 update and an event heavy week. There's also work on other stuff that was started before maintenance became a priority. Read on!

W101Archives Hub:

  • Updated the news at the top of this page.

Update History & Patch Notes:

  • Added V_r712625.Wizard_1_470 (Wed, February 16th) to these pages.

Notable Events

  • Started work on Phase 1 (see last update) before being forced to drop for maintenance. You can see some progress in **January 2021. **
  • Now up to date. Experimenting with both a new layout for event-heavy days and the [LP] tag. Hopefully that looks much better.
  • Began archiving some links so that a source remains if they were to die. This is an image and link archive and can be seen in newer events.

Upcoming Content:

  • Modified "Unknown Aquila Pack" page following new information with the latest update. You can find a full overview of the "Gorgon Hoard Pack" now.
  • Created new "Spring 2022 Scroll of Fortune" page following the last update.
  • Modified: "Features | Membership Loyalty" & "Pet Snacks | KI Live Pet Snacks"
  • Added new icons to Miscellaneous and moved older content out. Hoping to update the Summary soon.

Archived Content:

  • Moved the released "Pigswick Academy Art Book" to Archived.

# 13/02/2022 (02/13) - v2.26

Time: 20:27hrs GMT

Mainly focused on Notable Events page, a very small update to this resource, keeping things up to date and scaffolding for further works. A new roadmap has been added to Notable Events outlining four phases in which older content will be improved.

Notable Events:

  • Cleaned up the tags, merging some into one line and renaming others.
  • Finished January 2022 summary, adding archives for possible dead links. Added "Heroes of Lemuria" to 2021 Infobox.
  • New roadmap has been added outlining four phases in which older content will be improved. You can see some early scaffolding.

Upcoming Content:

  • Fixed the "Yuletide 2021" bottleneck, the page is finally in Archived. The "Grumpy Gingerman" pet is temporarily in Miscellaneous until more is known.

# 05/02/2022 (02/05) - v2.21

Time: 20:22hrs GMT

Another week, another update! Please enjoy. As usual, we're keeping things up to date, but we also have a new page under Scrapped / Unused. Things are planned for future updates, but here's this for now.

Notable Events

  • Added events from January 31st to this page. Now current with today. A few new tags here and there.

Upcoming Content

  • Moved the "Auspicious Tiger" pet to Archived
  • Updated the "CS Bundles (02/03) 2022" page with the newly released bundles.

Scrapped / Unused

  • Improved the navigation for this page with a table. More to come.
  • Created "Spell Cards" under this section showcasing scrapped spell cards.

# 30/01/2022 (01/30) - v2.16

Time: 19:30hrs GMT

Another small update mostly keeping pages up to date following KI Live this month. Whilst these aren't particularly revolutionary updates, they are here to keep this up to date. Bigger updates are on the way.

Notable Events:

  • Added KI Live (January 2022) to events.

KI Live - Statistics Comp:

  • Added data from KI Live (January 2022) to page. Looking for possible ways to improve the layout of this in the future.

Upcoming Content:

  • Created page for skatepark castle blocks.

# 26/01/2022 (01/26) - v2.11

Time: 19:45hrs GMT

Small update moving the "Heroes of Lemuria" pack to Archived and maintaining Upcoming.

Upcoming Content:

  • Added sources and links to Unknown Aquila Pack (46/116?)
  • Added video and sources to Heap Beastmoon Map (BMH05)
  • Updated CS Bundles (02/03) 2022 release tracker with new release.
  • Added the new skateboard castle blocks to Misc temporarily.

Archived Content:

  • Moved Heroes of Lemuria pack to archived. New best energy hat!
  • Created 2022 section and added some TBD text

Notable Events:

  • Added the "Heroes of Lemuria" pack release to Notable Events.

# 23/01/2022 (01/23) - v2.10

Time: 2356hrs GMT

A rather large update, keeping Upcoming Content, Notable Events and Patch Notes updated, and also sneaking in a few things. Please enjoy and read the notes carefully!

*Note that there will not be an update for a bit so that I can relax a little after this one.

**Site-wide: Emojis in the first category and fixed some links.

W101Archives Hub:**

  • This page! Detailed updates has been merged with the tab to the right and "Contribution" header was removed. Top of this page is now a Twitter feed.

Patch Notes:

  • Added 'V_r711496.Wizard_1_470' to the notes, the first update of 2022 on the 19th.
  • Rewritten the introduction for this page. More updates coming sooon-ish.

Notable Events:

  • Replaced the introduction paragraph with a cute graphic of how the page works.
  • Added events from January 11th and on, mostly the new update though. New tag.

Upcoming Content:

  • Added these new pages to be consistent with new updates:
  • Housing | Awards/Streamer Housing Items
  • Packs | Heroes of Lemuria Pack 45/115
  • Packs |Unknown Aquila Pack (46/116?)
  • Pet Snacks (new) | KI Live Pet Snacks
  • Miscellaneous | CS - (02/03) 2022
  • Miscellaneous | Heap Beastmoon Map BMH05
  • Edited these existing pages
  • Uncategorized (2021) | SOF Info & New equipment icons.
  • Features | Membership Loyalty

I also went back and added some files related info to some upcoming content pages.

Also fixed a broken link in Datamining page.

# 20/01/2022 (01/20) - v1.90

Time: 1915hrs GMT

A small update to add the new revision (V_r711496.Wizard_1_470) to this resource to keep it accurate whilst a bigger update is in the works. This means means that Update History, Datamining & Patch Notes have changed, though the last one still needs to be filled.

  • Version calculation has been changed from 2000 to 3000.

# 18/01/2022 (01/18) - v1.89 (W101Archives)

Time: 20:00hrs GMT

Welcome to W101Archives! For the grand "reopening", we have a grand update. Nearly every page has seen an improvement of some kind, and new content has been introduced. Future notes will not be this long, this is a major update after all. Please read the notes carefully!

# A new beginning

First, you'll notice that we're not "NubHub" anymore (reflected in pages). This choice was made for the future of this resource, as the former doesn't "mean" anything, and W101Archives represents this resource well enough.

# Welcome:

  • Redone this page from the ground up, including getting rid of the ugly "Where to" page links and replacing them with a much clearer table.
  • I have also rewritten the contribution / help guides to be more visually appealing and informative. Credits fixed too. In short, the page looks better.

Feedback (new):

  • This page is now available for any comments you have and is also another way to contribute (see Welcome) alongside @W101Archives on Twitter. New banner too.

Update History:

  • Updated the introduction for this page to be more user friendly.
  • Finished all revisions down to 2020 Q1, thank you for your patience. Starting to link important patches to Patch Notes.

Patch Notes:

  • Aside from a new snarky banner, it's one of the few pages to see very little changes, but that's because there are future plans for it. Stay tuned.

Notable Events:

  • Finally filled out to completion April and May 2021 & Experimenting with formatting for [TR-UP] tag to include more info about the test realm. 🎉
  • In response to feedback that information was difficult to find, we're testing out an calendar & text Summary, see December 2021.
  • Adding "Continued" to events where there is follow-up information. Also testing out a new format for days with multiple events. Fixed date formatting.
  • Moved "Year specific" tags to the infobox, for now. Finalised the tag colors/colours. Improvement project is well underway, and we will rewrite events to comply with new standards.

Patterns / Timing & Log:

  • Removed some data from this page, it will be worked on in the future as right now it looks a bit worse for wear.

Upcoming Content:

  • Added the "Celestia Art Book" and "Pigswick Academy Art Book" to this page.
  • Redid the "Water.org" page so that it looks more clean and has sources.
  • Added "return to main page" to pages that were missing the link.

# So, what's next?

A lot of effort will be focused on polishing anything we didn't get to with this update, including rewriting events to comply with new standards with the new tag formatting and finally tackling **Patch Notes. ** Thank you for reading. This took tough night and morning work but it is so worth it.

Here's to the future.

/w101archives-core/under-construction -nubby

11/01/2022 (1/11) @ 22:20 GMT (v1.51):_ _Back into the grind! Notable Events is now up to date + continuing improvements. New tags and info has been added. Fixed bad link in KI Live - Statistics Comp, added Lemuria Map to Lemuria page and updated the news above! Larger updates are on the horizon, thanks for your patience.

06/01/2022 (1/6) @ 22:00 GMT (v1.45): Welcome to 2022! Roughly halfway! The introduction for Notable Events has been redone, improving the user experience, integration of tags and laying the brickwork for the improvement project. A new page “KI Live - Statistics Comp” has been introduced. See detailed updates!

**20/12/2021 (12/20) @ 21:00 GMT (v1.35): **Yep, an update three days after the last. Gotta be constantly maintaining this. Notable Events is now current - work has begun on the "Notable Events improvement project", so there's an introduction now. That aside - new stuff has been added to Miscellaneous. I've added sources to Yuletide 2021 page, and updated the "Auspicious Tiger" page. Other than that, not much.

17/12/2021 (12/17) @ 13:52 GMT (v1.29): A nice quality of life update to NubHub, rewriting the** Welcome page** to be concise and more pleasant to read, adding snarky covers to most pages. Adding a menu, updating **Notable Events **to today's events, Datamining page & Patch Notes to the latest version and giving the "Update History" page some much needed TLC. Please see detailed updates.

17/12/2021 (12/17) @ 13:52 GMT (v1.76):

Quite a sizable update. Right then, let's get in.

NubHub-Wide: Most pages now have a snarky banner at the top, improving the user exp. Also, added a menu at the top.


  1. Updated to be more concise and user friendly, gone is the long wall of text.

NubHub Central:

  1. Swapped out the news for something more recent!

**Community server: **

  1. This link now has its own page, as the Checklist has been removed for works.

**Update History: **

  1. Added **V_r710543.Wizard_1_470_01_Live (Dec 15) **to the table, and swapped out Version with Revision as that is the correct term.
  2. Gave the page a proper introduction and some background, in short, some long awaited TLC. Plans are afoot.

**Patch Notes: **

  1. Added **V_r710543.Wizard_1_470_01_Live **to this page. There are also more plans for this page and expect additions in the future.

**Upcoming Content: **

  1. Marked the Krampus Runner mount as released on Dec 14 on the Yuletide 2021 page. This page will have a source added in the future.

**Notable Events: **

  1. Updated Notable Events so that it's current with today's information. I'm still thinking of ways to improve navigation / search of specific events and overall ease of use, so expect things on the way.

**Datamining: **

  1. Updated the version with **V_r710543.Wizard_1_470_01_Live. **Snarky banner also found here.

**What's on the way? **

  1. The page "Yuletide 2021" in Upcoming Content will be updated in the near future
  2. A hidden page is currently being worked on in Upcoming Content.
  3. The last section of the Uncategorized page will be updated (Fossa / Mecha Rex)
  4. More items will be added to Miscellaneous as of Dec 15's patch.
  5. Maintenance and possible rewrite of some pages is possible. TLC inbound.
  6. Checklist page is being improved.

Thank you!

13/12/2021 (12/13) @ 18:18 GMT (v1.16): A small update to this resource, keeping Notable Events up to date and rotating out Upcoming Content, moving the released Yuletide Mornings 2021 to Archive.

06/12/2021 (12/06) @ 15:15 GMT (v1.12 - major): The largest upkeep task for NubHub since release has now been completed. All of the pages have been updated, yes, all. Notable Events is now up to date (missing KI Live, that will be done later), but more importantly, **Upcoming Content has been updated. the Patch Notes **page has been been redesigned to include detailed notes, worthy of the "Patch Notes" title. And much much more, please see "detailed updates" below.

06/01/2022 (1/6) @ 22:00 GMT (v2.00):

Small, but signifcant.

Update History:

  1. Added “This year in Data” to 2021 Update History. Other data is on the way.

Patch Notes:

  1. Added more information to the latest update and formatted it to keep the consistency of the page. More to come.

Notable Events:

  1. Redone the introduction for this page, hopefully making that look much more clean and user friendly, with focus on integrating tags into the page, adding sources to the overview, and laying the groundwork for the improvement project.
  2. Critical Events has been removed for further works.

KI Live - Stats Compilation:

  1. This is a new page aimed at compiling all the stats we receive from KI Live. Feel free to check it out under the Notable Events page.

**21/11/2021 (11/21) @ 22:35 GMT (v0.72): **Time for another NubHub update! You'll notice that the pages and categories have been re-arranged. Finally splitting pages into "old" and "new". The Checklist page has been populated, so you can see the future trajectory of NubHub. The "Locale" page no longer crashes & Upcoming Content has been rotated - see Archived Content. Other pages will receive attention in due course. There's much much more, please read the newly introduced "**detailed updates" **below.

21/11/2021 (11/21) @ 22:35 GMT (v0.89):

General updates include rearranging pages into "Content" and "Archives". New content will not be added to Upcoming Content or Update History until test realm has concluded. Oh, yeah, and this section "Detailed updates" is new.

**Notable Events: **

  1. This page is now current with today's events. Attempting to add pictures to improve the page.
  2. Legends / Tags section at the top has been updated, making the overall section much more better and user friendly by splitting tags into Regular, Test Realm & Year specific. Work is not done yet on this section or with the tags.
  3. Experimenting with colours/colors in order to make the page more visually appealing or indicate important/specific content.

**Upcoming Content: **

  1. Rotated out Upcoming Content, moving the released CS Bundles & "Fall Feast Bundles" housing items to Archived Content & updating their respective pages with that information and sources.
  2. Temporarily removed the uncategorized page whilst it is being updated & cleared out the test realm icon. Four icons removed in total.

**Checklist: **

  1. This page has been populated with future plans for this repository, both so that I can keep a to-do list of sorts and so that there can be some sort of transparency.

15/11/2021 (11/15) @ 13:30 GMT (v0.66): Some upkeep to the repository after test realm! Notable Events should be current, though I may have missed some stuff. Upcoming Content will not be updated until test realm is over, along with Update History.

**05/11/2021 (11/05) @ 17:45 GMT (v0.63): **Yoo it's GMT again. Again, the usual upkeep of NubHub, rotating out Upcoming Content & updating Notable Events. I apologise that there is nothing new. Going to get busy with test realm, so that's a lot of the focus. Maybe in the future.

**21/10/2021 (10/21) @ 17:00 BST (v0.62 - major): **Update! As is usual, Notable Events was updated and Upcoming Content was rotated out. Please check the page for new content! That aside, _Update History & Patch Notes _are now separate pages, making the table look much cleaner, and also offering the opportunity to cover each update in much more detail. Further updates are on the way, especially to pages that have not been touched in a while, or those that can be improved. The "Locale" page is still broken, do not visit.

**12/10/2021 (10/12) @ 18:18 BST (v0.54): **Woo! GitBook finally receives an update. Hopefully this page looks better. Anyway, a small update to NubHub, moving the now released "Grim Ferryman Pack" into archives & updating Notable Events to current. This will not be announced publicly as further updates are on the horizon. **Please do not visit Locale in Scrapped / Unused as GitBook struggles with loading the page. **I'm also aware that Update History may look messy.

**06/10/2021 (10/06) @ 15:38 BST (v0.52 - major): **Another month, another update! Perhaps the most major change is the **restructure of the ****Welcome **page, giving this wiki its long awaited introduction. **Notable Events **is also now current with the present. Renamed "Version History & Notes" to simply "Update History" and rotated out Upcoming Content, creating Archived Content. I've also added the new version (V_r706503.Wizard_1_460) to pages. Finally, you can see this page now has a news section at the top, for those who don't have much time.

16/09/2021 (09/16) @ 20:21 BST (v0.51- major): Perhaps the most significant update NubHub has seen since release. Roughly a week in the works with 100+ edits, welcome to the improved Upcoming Content page! That said, Upcoming Content is now cleaner and more user friendly. Upcoming Content (Archive) has been removed for reworks. In other news, Notable Events has been updated to recent events (plushie anyone?), plus VH&N and Tutorial have been updated to (V_r704733.Wizard_1_460). Finally, welcome to Critical Events, a selection of events from Notable Events that are of importance to the game's future and history. (+52)

07/09/2021 (09/07) @ 12:50 BST (v0.41): Updated **'Notable Events' **with the events of September 2021 thus far. I have also added a Placeholder page for something in the future concerning Notable Events. Thank you for your support of NubHub! Look forward to an update tomorrow.

31/08/2021 (08/31) @ 20:01 BST (v0.40): Updated 'Upcoming Content' - moving released content to Archive and adding in new content. Notable Events was also updated to the present day and March 2021 is finally complete! The new version is reflected in Version History & Notes & Introduction (Early WIP). I am unable to update NubHub as much as I'd like so please see a road-map enclosed above.

19/08/2021 (08/19) @ 09:23 BST (v0.39): New patch to Wizard101 has been reflected in Notable Events (will be filled later on today), Version History & Notes & Introduction (Early WIP). Thank you for supporting NubHub.

**11/08/2021 (08/11) @ 19:55 BST (v0.38): **Added information for July 2021's KI Live to Notable Events, thus completing July 2021. I will try to focus what I can on filling any holes in 2021 (your help is appreciated) so I can finally focus on the years below. I have also introduced the [NP] flag relating to new people working at KI.

10/08/2021 (08/10) @ 22:08 BST (v0.37): Updated 'Upcoming Content' with information from the summer test realm, including detailed descriptions and sources if you want them. I also added the 'summer celebration' rewards event to Notable Events. More in the future but I do want to focus on filling in any holes before adding new things - though there will be something new soon.

06/08/2021 (08/06) @ 19:50 BST (v0.36): Whooh. Finally I can sort things out. I've updated Notable Events with everything that was missing for July and August. On that front, only the KI Live for July is missing, which will be done this week or next week. I've also updated VH&N with all the patches since the initial summer patch and fixed the version in Introduction. I've also had to scrub out the Upcoming Content page apart from the overview photo because populating that will take more time than I thought.

01/08/2021 (08/01) @ 01:12 BST (v0.35): Updated 'Upcoming Content' overview with the content added in the summer test realm.

25/07/2021 (19/07) @ 17:46 BST (v0.34): Updated Notable Events with this week's events and updated the version in Introduction (Early WIP) - test will be going for probably its last week from tomorrow.

19/07/2021 (07/19) @ 00:00 BST (v0.33): Sizable update to NubHub covering a lot of the past week in Notable Events and an update to the version in Introduction (Early WIP). Apologies for the lack of new things but I am glad to continue to maintain NubHub. Again, if you wish to contribute, please check Other.

18/07/2021 (07/18) @ 01:44 BST (v.0.32): Small update to Notable Events. Week's been rough and weekend isn't any better but I will try to update more of NubHub today before test realm returns on Monday.

**10/07/2021 (07/10) @ 17:48 BST (v0.31): **Added the release of test realm to Notable Events, Updated "Version History & Notes" to the latest version and finally completed the Spells page! Please enjoy. Upcoming Content will be populated later this weekend. I am also thinking of changing the name of this - as while NubHub is funny and all, it doesn't reflect this project. We'll see. (EDIT: Held until info is more complete.)

**03/07/2021 @ 01:53 BST (v0.30): **Added July to Notable Events. Added the section for the happenings of July so far. As indicated above, further development of NubHub is paused to focus on test realm.

**27/06/2021 @ 20:44 BST (v0.29): **March 2021 for Notable Events nearly done with the exception of KI Live. No worries, other pages will receive some attention eventually.

**27/06/2021 @ 20:03 BST (v0.28): **Completed February 2021 & January 2021 for Notable Events page.

27/06/2021 @ 13:42 BST (v0.27): Added more information to 'Notable Events', fixed issue with VH&N and introduced MM/DD/YYYY to the dates sections of NubHub where possible.

27/06/2021 @ 03:04 BST (v0.26): Added 'Summary' to Upcoming Content.

27/06/2021 @ 02:15 BST (v0.25): Added notes for this month's KI Live to Notable Events. Will be making an effort to complete any remaining details missing in Notable Events.

27/06/2021 @ 01:39 BST (v0.24): Removed a majority of the Datamining section in order to work on it and eventually be able to push a more complete datamining section to NubHub. Added events to Notable Events & Removed 'Meta' Category

23/06/2021 @ 22:08 BST (v0.23): Added new events to 'Notable Events' Page

23/06/2021 @ 17:49 BST (v0.22): Renamed "Scrapped Stuff" to "Scrapped and Unused" and added 'Pet Talents' section with a tiny bit of work on it.

23/06/2021 @ 14:21 BST (v0.21): Added 'V_r701133.Wizard_1_450' to VH&N.

21/06/2021 @ 14:11 BST (v0.20): Published the first major change, completing the Patterns/ Timing & Log page and filling out most of 2021 Q1 through January and early February. Some info and links are still missing and will be corrected soon. In addition, you may find early notes for years before 2021.**

18/06/2021 @ 20:11 BST (v0.14): **Small update to NubHub for notable events and elimination of bias. More work is still ongoing and the next merge (21/06) is on schedule.

13/06/2021 @ 23:50 BST (v0.13): Minor changes to Events page and added Roadmap to completion. Added dates to 2020 Q3 VH&N.

12/06/2021 @ 19:35 BST (v0.12): Added logs for the Crowns Rewards event & added world released to year + some scaffolding for 14/13.

11/06/2021 @ 15:14 BST (v0.11): Filled in some info for last year and started work on the Patterns page. Updated Notable Events Page.

11/06/2021 @ 14:32 BST (v0.10): First update post release! Added some more information (Jan - Apr) to [Notable Events] page. Changed formatting. Oh, it's purple.

10/06/2021 @ 18:03 BST (v0.01): NubHub is released publicly.