# Polygonal Wolf Mounts

W101Archives Team
Published 2022-11-30

# Introduction

These "Polygonal Wolf" (it says fox, ignore that), were added to the files on September 8th, 2022 with live patch; (V_r723320.Wizard_1_490). While some would recognise the Celestial Wolf animations, the mount is quite unique.

So unique in-fact, that they deserve their own video.

Polygonal Predator & Polygonal Prowler. Files indicate they are 7k Crowns.

# Sources / Timeline

Wednesday, November 30th 2022: The "Polygonal Prowler" is released with Novus Live Day on November 30th. This is for 7500 Crowns. This page is therefore considered archived.

Friday, November 4th 2022: The "Polygonal Predator" is released with the Novus Bundles starting at $49. Therefore, that's considered released.

**Thu, September 8th 2022 / V_r723320.Wizard_1_490: **The "Polygonal Predator" & "Polygonal Prowler" mounts are added to the files with today's update to live realm.

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