# Wallaru Wastelander's Pack (57/140)

W101Archives Team
Published 2024-01-29



The Wallaru Wastelander's Pack is the world-themed pack for 2024. The whole pack was added to the files on Monday, January 29th 2024 with [V_r749039.Wizard_1_530]. That was the first update of 2024! They've made a mount for each school, different gear aesthetics for each school, and, of course, different stats for each school.

The schools will be ordered as such: Balance, Death, Fire, Ice, Life, Myth, Storm


Wastelander's Pack Gear

The stats were described as a Level 170 upgrade for Skyfarers. All the gear and aesthetics were added to the files on Monday, January 29th 2024 with the first patch of 2024 - [V_r749039.Wizard_1_530]. We first saw this in the equipment icons back on October 30th 2023, with the Wallaru TR!!

For a back-view of the gear aesthetics, please see this thread on Twitter.

Tip: Cycle through the gear stats, aesthetics, & pack preview, using D on your Keyboard.


Wastelander Emu Mounts

Emu mounts! What else was it going to be? These were added to the files on Monday, January 29th 2024 with the first patch of 2024 - [V_r749039.Wizard_1_530]. Even better news, these mounts offer a +50% Speed bonus. They're super cool, and did you see what they did with the eyes?

1. Balance | Dusty Wasteland Emu (PERM +50%)
2. Death | Grim Wasteland Emu (PERM +50%)
3. Fire | Scorched Wasteland Emu (PERM +50%)
4. Ice | Chill Wasteland Emu (PERM +50%)
5. Life | Wild Wasteland Emu (PERM +50%)
6. Myth | Furious Wasteland Emu (PERM +50%)
7. Storm | Shocked Wasteland Emu (PERM +50%)


Wobbegong Shark Pets

Seven pets!! Seven! Well, six, because one of them is a Hybrid. They're themed after the Wobbegong Sharks in Wallaru. They were added to the files on Monday, January 29th 2024 with the first patch of 2024 - [V_r749039.Wizard_1_530]. As for the pets stats, those item cards are pretty interesting!

As would be hinted at by the devs, all these pets have hatching combinations. Also, The Fire Shark Spell introduced for the Raging Shark was super bugged, casting multiple times and dealing lots of damage! It was abused before it was finally fixed.

Land Shark (Hybrid - Balance)

Talent pool: None (Hybrid).

IC(s): 1x Chimera at Baby, 1x Chimera at Epic.


Gloomy Shark

Talent pool: Pain-Giver, Death Scout, Death-Eye, Death-Dealer, Critical Striker, Spell-Defying, Extra Mana, Health Bounty, Effective & Durable.

IC(s): 1x Avenging Fossil at Baby, 1x Avenging Fossil at Epic.


Raging Shark

Talent pool: Pain-Giver, Fire Scout, Fire-Eye, Fire-Dealer, Critical Striker, Spell-Defying, Extra Mana, Health Bounty, Effective & Durable.

IC(s): 1x Fire Shark at Baby, 1x Fire Shark at Epic.

Chilling Shark

Talent pool: Pain-Giver, Ice Scout, Ice-Eye, Ice-Dealer, Critical Striker, Spell-Defying, Extra Mana, Health Bounty, Effective & Durable.

IC(s): 1x Snow Shark at Baby, 1x Snow Shark at Epic.

Lively Shark

Talent pool: Pain-Giver, Life Scout, Life-Eye, Life-Bringer, Critical Striker, Spell-Defying, Extra Mana, Health Bounty, Effective & Durable

IC(s): 1x Hunting Wyrm at Baby, 1x Hunting Wyrm at Epic.

Legendary Shark

Talent pool: Pain-Giver, Myth Scout,Myth-Eye, Myth-Dealer, Critical Striker, Spell-Defying, Extra Mana, Health Bounty, Effective & Durable.

IC(s): 1x Basilisk at Baby, 1x Basilisk at Epic

Frenzied Shark

Talent pool: Pain-Giver, Storm Scout,Storm-Eye, Storm-Dealer, Critical Striker, Spell-Defying, Extra Mana, Health Bounty, Effective & Durable.

IC(s): Storm Shark (T03-B) at Baby, Storm Shark (T03-B) at Epic


Bonus: Housing items!

There are a few additional housing items that did not fit into this graphic. Find them here.


Sources / Timeline