# Valentines 2024

W101Archives Team
Published 2024-02-14

# Introduction

Love is in the air! Or, well, more specifically, the Friendship Voyager is in the air. The two new items, the Friendship Voyager - Mount and Friendship Fluffle - Pet were added to the files on January 29th, 2024 with [V_r749039.Wizard_1_530].

# Friendship Voyager Mount

This mount is unique, as it offers +20% at PERM!

Not much to say here, it floats, it's heart shaped, it can take two people! I do wonder why they've made it 20% though.

# Friendship Fluffle Pet

This pet sort of looks familiar! You can see a full overview here. The attributes for this pet are below.

Friendship Fluffle - Attributes

Talent pool: Pip O Plenty, Fire Scout, Fire-Shot, Fire-Giver, Spell-Defying, Critical Striker, Sharp, Intuitive, Mana Gift & Health Boost.

IC(s): 1x Power Link at Baby, 1x Fire Elf (T03-B) at Epic.


Sources / Timeline