# Wallaru

W101Archives Team
Published 2023-09-21

# Introduction


# Post release

1. The Nightmare - Some gear delayed

In short, what they wanted to do with the Dream Reaver "Hat, Robe, Boots & Wand" is create a unique experience to obtain them - a dungeon known as: The Nightmare. Unfortunately, development couldn't be completed in time for Wallaru going live, and rushing the dungeon wasn't an option.

So, we will not be seeing The Nightmare and the associated Dream Reaver "Hat, Robe, Boots & Wand" until Early 2024, according to KI.

# Wallaru - Dream Reaver Gear (Dropped Aeon template)

Reminder that the Hat, Robe, Boots & Wand will NOT be available until early 2024.

The rest of the gear is dropped and can also be crafted. Those are some interesting aesthetics.

# Wallaru - Dream Stalker Gear (Crafted Eternal template)

As we all know, Wallaru is our next world. This page will document everything we know so far, ranging from teasers to leaks and everything in-between. Strap in!

# In A Nutshell?

A change of pace from last year, [Wallaru was revealed to us] at the end of Novus. As usual, how the World looks like was unknown, until July 10th, 2023^ with the Summer 2023 Test Realm.

^ The image linked was taken with bloom on, the zone is significantly less red with bloom off. See updated images below.

# Wallaru Content

We've got an amazing amount of Wallaru content in the files - lots more than we would usually have, to be fair.

# Q1 - Crikey Cyrus (Accidentally leaked)

A lot of the story would later be redacted from the files... including the quest they accidentally put in-game.

[Added: Summer TR 2023 / V_r738289.WizardDev / July 10th 2023]

Anything considered significant will be marked with bold/italics.

1: WizQst188965

Sandiago: Tell me, Wizard, what do you know of Wallaru? Long has it existed in the outskirts of the Spiral and long has it fascinated explorers.

Zander: This is because of the Dreaming, a physical substance generated deep in the Outback said to incept strange and wondrous thoughts in visitors.

Zander: For generations, my people guided others to the source of the Dreaming, to take from its waters and be inspired. Sandiago was one such explorer.

Sandiago: The Dreaming instills one with a sense of self and purpose, a means to become all we could be. This is the clarity your Dasein needs.

Zander: Unfortunately, to enter the Dreaming unprepared is to go mad and the means of preparation are limited these days.

Zander: But the Arcanum is blessed with a specific resource most lack, one that will shield our psyches. Come with me to the Tree of Knowledge.

The quest has placeholder text and then breaks after this point.

WLorem ipsum kangaroo vegemite koala didgeridoo

# Q2: Zeke Quest (Earning the Midnight Oil)

[Added: Summer TR 2023 / V_r738289.WizardDev / July 10th 2023]

Zeke: No time for games, Wizard, I need your help to find Wallaru's most valuable resource: eh... the, uh... shoot, I got a short memory these days.

Zeke: Luckily, I wrote it down. Just let me read about it here... got it, Midnight Oil. Wild stuff, Wizard. A slurry of plant-life and Dream Water.

Zeke: Used in place of coffee round these parts. They say it's the source of the power and the passion here...

Zeke: ...How they dance while their world is turning and sleep while their beds are burning. I hope not literally on that last one.

Zeke: Anyhoo, I got a friend out on Wedding Cake Island who needs a little something to revive his dead heart. Got dumped at the altar, you see.

Zeke: Doesn't have the energy he used to. This Midnight Oil ought to put some spring back in his step. Bring some back for old Zeke when you can.

Zeke: Huh? Oh, sorry, Wizard, lost in the Dreamworld there. Did you find that Midnight Oil? 00000007

Zeke: Shoot, I knew you'd come through. They say only the strong can harvest the stuff and you're the strongest I know.

# Q3 - Side: Eloise Quest (Golden Wattle)

Eloise: Wizard! How splendid to see you visiting a normal world again. No lost collections of islands. No worlds that are also people that are also Nothing.

Eloise: Just good, simple folk trying to make lives for themselves in a positively ordinary place. Now, let us discuss duck flowers.

Eloise: Or more accurately, the Golden Wattle, a most beauteous bloom that resembles the webbed feet of a duck. Some say they even walk around at night.

Eloise: Which is presumably how they moved all over Wallaru. In your travels, if you should find any of these quacking curiosities, do be sure to bring them back to me. Ta.

Eloise: You brought me the Golden Wattles? Aren't you a dear. Sniiiiiifffff Smell that bouquet. Like sea air and feathers.

Eloise: I'm certain these will make for quite the resplendent exhibit. Until next time, Wizard.

Left to right: Golden Wattle, Midnight Oil

# Miscallaneous quests.

These quests range from somewhat complete to entirely placeholder...

# Count: 10 Wallaru, 5 Beastmoon, 2 Design, 1 Art, Total 18.

(First Teaser: 1st September 2023)

Technically 19 if you count the Guild Museum teaser from some KI Live in the Summer.

# Teaser 17/18 (BM) - Death Colossus & Balance Elf

Not safe from teasers, even on the weekend! Cam teases the Death Colossus beastform. He says he'll talk about this, and tease the final beastform, on stream - which is revealed to be the Balance Elf! That's all them teasers!

# Teaser 15/16 - Wallaru All Spells / Juggernaut Crab Theatre - October 27th

One teaser per day is old school. With test realm this close, they're practically cramming! Today brings out perhaps the second most significant teaser we've seen yet, after the Wallaru Spell Animations yesterday.

All the New Wallaru Spells and their paths are teased on stream by Ratbeard! Here's a screencap from stream. Some of these spells are quite amazing, and we're expecting a Path B! WIP!

# Teaser 13/14 - Wallaru Spells Anims / Life Rat Thief - October 26th 2023

Wow... They did that? They showed us all the Wallaru Spells animations on KI Live! That's insane!!! The animations were widely praised for their high quality and creativity. What an unexpected teaser.

  • Unlike the "Life Rat Thief" Beastmoon teaser from Cam later on, which was expected. Described as the "strongest healer yet."

# Teaser 12 - Myth Krokomummy - October 24th 2023

Even though Cam didn't stream today... we're not leaving empty-handed! Cam shares the upcoming Myth Krokomummmy beastform. It has a focus on Minions, and we're expecting more on the Minion, and another teaser, this Thursday.

# Teaser 11 - Healing Changes - October 23rd 2023.

Not content with missing the party, Ratbeard drops teasers (taken from stream). They show both new spellement paths, and changes to healing spells. These are quite obviously nerfs, but, I suppose not a lot to complain about.

Most interestingly, Pigsie is now only 4 Copy, and mentioned but not shown is that Regenerate will drop from Beastmoon, and Mana Burn is now 4 Copy. Pretty big day for the PvP fellows.

# Teaser 10 (BM-1) - October 22nd 2023 - Fire Fairy

Cam joins the party with the Fire Fairy teaser - a beastform coming with the Fall 2023 TR! This is our 1st Beastmoon Teaser and 10th Overall.

# Teaser 9 - October 13th 2023 - Boris Tallstaff Saga #4 - Finale

The grand finale! The last in the Boris Tallstaff series has arrived. This one continues the tale of whether Boris Tallstaff survived the Bunyips! We get a peek at the Bunyips, and a little lore drop, as always.

Probably the best lore drop we've had so far, actually! A grim and childish song? 🤔

Needless to say, I wasn’t about to try that again. Bunyips aren’t the only thing out there. Locals tell tales of bears and devils and serpents and horrors. And in their dreams, there is something darker, something new, something croaking a grim and childish song.

# Teaser 8 - October 6th 2023: Boris Tallstaff Saga #3 - Outback

KingsIsle drop our 8th Wallaru teaser! This one is a continuation of the Boris Tallstaff saga, and focuses on the Outback area of Wallaru. As usual, it has some interesting lore hints, this one mentions "Dream Water", a substance that can "incept great ideas and ambitions." Here's the tweet where this was announced

Water holds a special place in this world’s history and culture. But not just regular water, no, a variably colored substance they call “Dream Water.” Once Wallaru’s primary draw, Dream Water is said to be literally the substance of dreams and it can incept great ideas and ambitions.

Dream Water has inspired the inventors of Marleybone, the artists of Valencia, and the ever-morose writers of the Walrusk Empire. It showed warmongers the value of peace and alchemists impossible new concoctions.

# Teaser 7 - September 29th 2023: Boris Tallstaff Saga #2

Our seventh Wallaru teaser drops today! My Wallaru Walkabout: My First Step... - and, quite honestly, there is a LOT to unpack here. We've got new images of the world, but, more importantly, an interesting Lore drop! It looks like the plot is painting us as a villain.

"But if you listen closely - and to the right people - you'll learn there's a darker side to The Wizard. They're said to have spread the forbidden Shadow Magic to the Spiral and danced on the comet that still rains upon Azteca. They were also present for revolutions on both Polaris and Karamelle.

These may all be rumors, but it's enough to make the Spiral wary whenever a student of Ravenwood crosses their threshold."

Having received my promotional World Key in a box of Nana Pops, I made my way to the quaint and rustic city of Hope Springs. On one side of me was the sea; on the other a vast stretch of sand; and in between: a town full of friendly locals eager to help me find my way.

Wallaru is home to Koalas and Roo-folk, who have lived together so long they barely even notice any differences. They acted as my guides on my Walkabout into the wilderness.

Our first stop, though, was supplies. Can’t venture into the Outback without ample water, food and weaponry; and I have to admit, when my guides handed me a boomerang, the first thing I did was try to cast a spell with it. They were quite amused. I was not living up to Wizard City’s increasingly dubious reputation.

We’ve all heard the stories of the graduate so legendary they don’t even need a name; when you whisper: “The Wizard,” the whole Spiral knows who you mean. They stomped the Kroks, they thwarted Meowiarty, they felled a Titan, and possibly routed some trash monsters. Not bad for someone who got their start fetching laundry.

But if you listen closely - and to the right people - you’ll learn there’s a darker side to The Wizard. They’re said to have spread the forbidden Shadow Magic to the Spiral and danced on the comet that still rains upon Azteca. They were also present for revolutions on both Polaris and Karamelle. These may all be rumors, but it’s enough to make the Spiral wary whenever a student of Ravenwood crosses their threshold.

Anyway, my clumsiness with the boomerang was enough to prove I was not The Wizard and I was going to need all the help I could get when I ventured into the dangerous Outback…

# Teaser 6 - September 22nd 2023: Boris Tallstaff Saga #1

Our sixth Wallaru teaser features the start of a new series of entries by Boris Tallstaff.** This one includes a area teaser! - Billabong Resort.

Notable in this teaser is the Walkabout, land sharks, Kangaroos, and again, "Seize the Dream." It also mentions how Wallaru is trying to "be more open, trying to invite the citizens of the Spiral to come and visit with promises of rugged adventures, beautiful vistas."

Wallaru. Not a world we all think about much. It hasn’t launched any empires or invented any magic. It wasn’t lost to history or destroyed by a Titan. It’s just there, a strange little place floating on its own… ephemeral as a dream, at any moment real and forgotten.

Or at least that’s been its history. Wallaru has intermittently caught the attention of other worlds, only for that focus to slip away. For example, Marleybone first reached the land of Roos and Koalas during the reign of King Ruffles II. The monarch even visited the fabled Outback himself… and was promptly eaten by land sharks. Thus ending Marleybone’s interest in the world.

Similarly, the ancient skyfaring Kroks found Wallaru and tried to add it to their expansive empire, much as they did the homeworld of the Manders. They were repeatedly punched by Kangaroos until they went away. Wizard Wallaru Logo

The modern Wallaru is trying to be more open, trying to invite the citizens of the Spiral to come and visit with promises of rugged adventures, beautiful vistas and of course… a chance to, as they say, “Seize the Dream.”

So join me on my multi-part odyssey into the wilds of Wallaru, as I embark on their ancient tradition of the Walkabout, enduring deserts and monsters to somehow make all my dreams come true.

This is “My Wallaru Walkabout….” This is my adventure.

# Teaser 5 - September 5th 2023: TikTok Teaser (Concept)

The most significant Wallaru Teaser yet?

This teaser is a one minute TikTok video, and it's jam packed! Here are some of the more notable things.

Notable things from the Wallaru Teaser
 00:00 - 00:59 |  The first public release of the Wallaru Outback Combat 
 00:00 - 00:11 | Some sort of starry zone, + Sybil VO 'The spiral will always need its Scion.' 
 00:12 - 00:21 | Concept art we've already seen, plus one we haven't yet. 
 00:22 - 00:22 | Stallion Quartermane VO - "Haha! That's how you adventure" 
 00:31 - 00:31 | Some cute Koala concept art, riding some sort of Mount. 
 00:33 - 00:36 | "Unknown VO: "You enjoy that a little too much, big guy." 
 00:37 - 00:43 | "Dingo" concept art. Unknown VO: "Shall we join forces?" 
 00:43 - 00:50 | Unknown mob concept art. 
 00:54 - 00:58 | Unknown VO: "See you soon, hehehe" followed by fade out with Wallaru Logo. 
@wizard101 Wallaru is calling you! 🪃 #Wizard101 ♬ original sound - Wizard101

# Teaser 4 - September 4th 2023: "Live The Dream".

Another day, another teaser. That's three in a row. This one shows some sort of... creature? Soaking in the Dreaming. The Dreaming was described in the Crikey Cyrus quest that the developers accidentally leaked on the Summer 2023 Test Realm.

# Teaser 3 - September 3rd 2023: "Visit Wallaru"

Again, the very next day, another teaser! This one is a little more significant, showing the Hope Springs Hub zone... or, I suppose the concept art for it. Pretty cool!

How do we know it's the hub? Because there's a world door!

# Teaser 2 - September 2nd 2023: "Wallaru is Calling You"

Just a day later and we have our second teaser. Wallaru is Calling You

This teaser uses the concept art already seen on the website. Obviously some sort of Outback zone. I suppose the Wallaru Tourism Agency logo is interesting. Also, the text: "information from travel bureau and travel agencies in all states."

# Teaser 1 - September 1st 2023 (Micro-site)

Right on cue for Wizard101's 15th, the Wallaru Microsite debuts! This one is similar to last year's Novus Microsite^ but they're not selling anything... yet?

The micro-site instantly throws the Wallaru logo at you, along with some concept art. In addition, more teasers will be released to this site as time goes on! Reminds me of the Polaris Teasers... Fair to consider this our first teaser?

# Zone names

This section will focus on Zone Names we have received in the files so far. Unfortunately, not a lot to go off of.

  1. Hope Springs (Hub) (V_r738289.WizardDev / July 10th 2023)
  2. Outback (V_r738289.WizardDev / July 10th 2023)
  3. Kingsland (V_r738464.WizardDev / July 12th 2023)
  4. Forest (V_r738464.WizardDev / July 12th 2023)

We don't have much more than this in terms of zones.

# Quest titles & content

Actually quite amazing how many quest-titles we have already! This may not be in order.

Green: Considered a complete quest!

  1. Crikey Cyrus [Leaked] (July 10th 2023 / V_r738289.WizardDev
  2. The Quest for Lamingtons (July 10th 2023 / V_r738289.WizardDev)
  3. Walla-Me-and-You(^)
  4. Gatekeepers Galore(^)
  5. Woop Woop Workaround(^)
  6. A Tun of Tunnel Trouble(^)
  7. Earning the Midnight Oil (Zeke Quest)(^)
  8. Wattle You Talkin' About (Eloise Quest)(^)
  9. Previously on Wizard101... [Side?](^)
  10. A Tale Told By An... You Know(^)
  11. Moolinda's Woe(^)
  12. The Case of the Dog Fight (July 12th 2023 / V_r738464.WizardDev)
  13. The Case of the(^)
  14. Who Judges the Judges?(^)
  15. Toader(^)
  16. Wrong Place, Wrong Shrine(^)
  17. The Outback Steps In(^)

# Mobs & NPCs

Dingo. Nothing but Dingo, it's all Dingo!

Top row | Left to right:

All of these were added with the initial Summer 2023 Test Realm patch on July 10th 2023.

  1. Dingo Ned (Monday, July 10th, 2023 / V_r738289.WizardDev)
  2. Dingo A, Dingo B, Dingo C & Dingo D (Monday, July 10th, 2023 / V_r738289.WizardDev)
  3. Dingo Armor (Monday, July 10th, 2023 / V_r738289.WizardDev)

Bottom row | Left to right:

  1. Dingo Armor (Monday, July 10th, 2023* / V_r738289.WizardDev)
  2. DingoF A,B,C (Monday, July 10th, 2023* / V_r738289.WizardDev)

# NPC Names

Wallaru NPC Names

Lots of fun ones!

07/10 - V_r738289.WizardDev

  1. Judge Hopener
  2. Minister's Aide
  3. Opal Bilburrow
  4. Robbo Margie
  5. Judge Judi
  6. Luke Collie
  7. Chris Collie
  8. Liam Collie
  9. Judphy Rush
  10. Cat Blanche
  11. Judge Veg
  12. Riley
  13. Hems Chrisworth [Ha!]
  14. Electric Banana
  15. Keith Hedger
  16. Claudia_Bee

07/12 - V_r738464.WizardDev

  1. Ms Browder
  2. Judge Stark
  3. Ned

07/20 - V_r738827.WizardDev

  1. Mr Cane
  2. Hostess
  3. Superior Judge Rozzer
  4. Judge Nelson
  5. Judge Lawless
  6. Lady Cortexia
  7. Cadet Douglas
  8. Luigi di Mario
  9. Joan Locke

# MB Queen

# GhostDevil

# Comments

These models are early, so for the most part, we have nothing but the file names for these.

# Wallaru Ranch Combat

Wild. It was added with the initial Summer 2023 TR Patch on (Monday, July 10th, 2023) - V_r738289.WizardDev

Until part of the theme was used in the 5th Wallaru Teaser, it was datamined content.

# Sources / Timeline

Thursday, August 31st 2023 / V_r740730.Wizard_1_520: The Wallaru Outback Gear from the [Outback Bundle] is implemented as of today's live realm patch!

# Summer 2023 Test Realm⤵

Thursday, July 20th 2023 / V_r738827.WizardDev: Yet even more Wallaru NPC names, including the hilariously named "Luigi di Mario".

Wednesday, July 12th 2023 / V_r738464.WizardDev: More NPC Names are added, and a majority of the Wallaru quests are Redacted.

Monday, July 10th 2023 / V_r738289.WizardDev: The Summer 2023 Test Realm goes up today! With that, a whole host of Wallaru stuff, including the Wallaru Ranch!

Among some of the new stuff is the Echidna pet , uninentionally leaked quest - Crikey Cyrus , many other datamined quests , NPCs and Dingo Characters, and a lot more!

Let's not forget the Ranch Combat Theme!!

Fri, April 28th 2023 / V_r735422.Wizard_1_510: The Echidna pet is added to the Equipment Icons as of today's patch.

# 2022 ⤵

  • Friday, December 2nd 2022 Wallaru has been confirmed as the last world of Arc 4 in today's Novus Roundtable.

  • Wednesday, November 30th 2022: Novus has gone live, and therefore this is considered the start point for knowledge of Wallaru being our next world, as confirmed in the last quest of Novus.

# Teasers

18 & 19: Saturday, October 28th 2023 (ii/TRT): [TRTease] [FallTR2023-Teaser18] [FallTR2023-Teaser19] [Fall2023TR-BMTeaser4] [Fall2023TR-BMTeaser5] Not safe from teasers, even on the weekend! Cam teases the Death Colossus beastform. He says he'll talk about this, and tease the final beastform, on stream - which is revealed to be the Balance Elf! That's all them teasers!

16 & 17: Friday, October 27th 2023 (iii/TRT): [TRTease] [FallTR2023-Teaser16] [FallTR2023-Teaser17] [Fall2023TR-RBTeaser2] Teasers galore! The 15th teaser, from Ratbeard's stream, is literally just all the New Wallaru Spells and their paths - and that's off the back of the animations yesterday. Those are some decent AOEs, the Balance one is an upgrade over Sandstorm!

And, KingsIsle drop another TikTok Teaser, this one focusing on the Juggernaut Crab Theatre! There's the "Wallaru Tourism Agency" again, doing its tour apparently, and we get pictures of the in-game zones too. Neat.


Explore #Wallaru! Take a look at the Juggernaut Crab Theater! 🦀

♬ original sound - Wizard101

14 & 15: Thursday, October 26th 2023 (iii/TRT): [KILive] [TRTease] [FallTR2023-Teaser14] [AllSpellsTeaser2023] KingsIsle Live for October 2023 takes place today, which brings our 14th Teaser, as expected! Pretty big teaser at that, they tease all the Wallaru Spells animations! A first! See the notes below, and the animations!

  • [FallTR2023-Teaser15] [Fall2023TR-BMTeaser3] Cam teases the upcoming Life Rat Thief on Stream and on Twitter (X).

13: Tuesday, October 24th 2023 [TRTease] [FallTR2023-Teaser13] [Fall2023TR-BMTeaser2] Here it is - the second Beastmoon teaser for the Fall 2023 Test Realm, the Myth Krokomummy . This one is oriented around minions, but we'll have to wait for that.

12: Monday, October 23rd 2023 (ii): [TRTease] [FallTR2023-Teaser12] [Fall2023TR-RBTeaser1] Starting off, Ratbeard drops five Spellwrighting paths changes coming with Test Realm, all concerning Healing. Specficially, nerfs.

11: Sunday, October 22nd 2023 (iii): [TRTease] [FallTR2023-Teaser11] [Fall2023TR-BMTeaser1] Cam drops the first Beastmoon Teaser for the Fall 2023 Test Realm - the Fire Fairy - we're expecting more to come this week.

10: Friday, October 13th 2023 (ii): [Wallaru] [FallTR2023-Teaser10] [WallaruTeaser-9] The grand finale! The last in the Boris Tallstaff series has arrived. This one continues the tale of whether Boris Tallstaff survived the Bunyips! We get a peek at the Bunyips, and a little lore drop.

Needless to say, I wasn’t about to try that again. Bunyips aren’t the only thing out there. Locals tell tales of bears and devils and serpents and horrors. And in their dreams, there is something darker, something new, something croaking a grim and childish song.

9: Friday, October 6th 2023 (ii): [Wallaru] [FallTR2023-Teaser9] [WallaruTeaser-8] Our 8th teaser! This one is a continuation of the Boris Tallstaff saga, and focuses on the Outback area of Wallaru. As usual, with some lore hints!

Water holds a special place in this world’s history and culture. But not just regular water, no, a variably colored substance they call “Dream Water.” Once Wallaru’s primary draw, Dream Water is said to be literally the substance of dreams and it can incept great ideas and ambitions.

Dream Water has inspired the inventors of Marleybone, the artists of Valencia, and the ever-morose writers of the Walrusk Empire. It showed warmongers the value of peace and alchemists impossible new concoctions.

8: Friday, September 29th 2023 (ii/TRT): [Wallaru] [FallTR2023-Teaser8] [WallaruTeaser-7] KingsIsle drop our 7th Wallaru Teaser and there is a lot to unpack! First, we got a few more images, including the Bing Bang Boomerang shop and a Koala.

There's also an amazing lore drop below! It looks like the plot is painting us as a villain.

"But if you listen closely - and to the right people - you'll learn there's a darker side to The Wizard. They're said to have spread the forbidden Shadow Magic to the Spiral and danced on the comet that still rains upon Azteca. They were also present for revolutions on both Polaris and Karamelle.

These may all be rumors, but it's enough to make the Spiral wary whenever a student of Ravenwood crosses their threshold."

7: Friday, September 22nd 2023 (ii/TRT): [Wallaru] [FallTR2023-Teaser7] [WallaruTeaser-6] Our sixth teaser is here! A story entry from Boris Tallstaff - My Wallaru Walkabout: Oh, the Places I Will Go! This one mentions the "Wallaru Walkabout" and includes a area teaser! - Billabong Resort. Here's the announcement and teaser page.

6: Wednesday, September 13th 2023 (ii/TRT): [Wallaru] [FallTR2023-Teaser6] [WallaruTeaser-5] Perhaps the most interesting teaser yet! Our fourth Wallaru Teaser is a TikTok Teaser. Here's the announcement. Interestingly, while we've got some things we've seen before, here are some things of note!

Things to note in this teaser:
00:00 - 00:59 |  The first public release of the Wallaru Outback Combat 
00:00 - 00:11 | Some sort of starry zone, along with Sybil VO 'The spiral will always need its Scion.' 
00:12 - 00:21 | Concept art we've already seen, plus one we haven't yet. 
00:22 - 00:22 | Stallion Quartermane VO - "Haha! That's how you adventure"
00:31 - 00:31 | Some cute Koala concept art, riding some sort of Mount. 
00:33 - 00:36 | "Unknown VO: "You enjoy that a little too much, big guy." 
00:37 - 00:43 | "Dingo" concept art (enemy - text says "gimme yer stuff"). Unknown VO: "Shall we join forces?" 
00:43 - 00:50 | Unknown mob concept art. 
00:54 - 00:58 | Unknown VO: "See you soon, hehehe" followed by fade out with Wallaru Logo. 

5: Monday, September 4th 2023 (ii): [Wallaru] [FallTR2023-Teaser5] [WallaruTeaser-4] Wow, they are on a roll. Third consecutive day of Wallaru Teasers. This one - Live The Dream - shows some sort of creature bathing in what is likely "The Dreaming"^. Here's the announcement of the teaser, which is also available on the microsite.

4: Sunday, September 3rd 2023 (ii): [Wallaru] [FallTR2023-Teaser4] [WallaruTeaser-3] What's better than 1 Wallaru Teaser? 2 Wallaru Teasers! We have our second teaser - Visit Wallaru today. That's Hope Springs, the Wallaru Hub.^ Also posted to the microsite. Cool!

3: Saturday, September 2nd 2023 (ii/TRT): [Wallaru] [TRTease] [FallTR2023-Teaser3] [WallaruTeaser-2] 🎉 That's our first teaser on the Wallaru Microsite! Captioned Wallaru Is Calling You , with what appears to be The Outback. Curiously, there's also the "Wallaru Tourism Agency" at the bottom of the poster.

2: [FallTR2023-Teaser2] - Friday, September 1st 2023 (ii/TRT): [Wallaru] [TRTease] [WallaruTeaser-1] [WallaruTeaser-1]
So, um, surprise! Remember the Novus Microsite where they sold some stuff? Same thing, but this time they'll reveal Wallaru Teasers on a brand new micro-site!! That is the new Wallaru logo, and some concept art. Here's the announcement of the micro-site.

1: [FallTR2023-Teaser1] - June 29th 2023 June 2023's KI Live arrives. We get a very cryptic Fall 2023 Test Realm Teaser!...

Monday, November 28th 2023 (iii): [TR-DOWN] [LP] [FallTest2023] Following some downtime at 2pm GMT, The Wallaru Test Realm has gone live! Test realm finished on November 17th and started on October 30th 2023. Test had been up for 14 Days and 4 Patches. 28 Days elapsed from Test to Live.

Monday, October 30th 2023 (iiii): [Wallaru] [TR] [TR-UP] [FallTest2023] After our 19th and Final teaser on October 28th, Wallaru is on Test Realm! Interestingly, an October TR. This test realm brings Wallaru (obviously), our Australian conclusion to Arc 4, including new spells, new gear, and even some new jewels!! Please see the patch notes

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