# Wizard101's 15th Birthday

W101Archives Team
Published 2023-09-01

# Introduction

It's that time of year again! As of the 2nd of September 2023, Wizard101 turns 15! This year, there are a bunch of cosmetic banner/weapons planned. There's also an interactive statue in memory of the late Dell Aldrich. (Grandmother Raven).

Most of these items were added on August 31st, 2023, with the live realm patch V_r740730.Wizard_1_520.

These banners were added to the files with the live realm patch of August 31st, 2023 - V_r740730.Wizard_1_520. Not much to say about them. Just your average cosmetic banners.

  • Ravenwood Banner - 750 Crowns
  • 15th Birthday Banner - 300 Crowns

# 15th Birthday Dragon

Not impressed? We're not done yet! The same V_r740730.Wizard_1_520 also added this amazing 15th Birthday Dragon to the files.*The pet is not implemented stats-wise, however.

*Later renamed to Crystal Dragon and implemented on September 28th, 2023 - V_r742651.Wizard_1_520


# Sources / Timeline